On 10 July, 21

How Was Your Week?

Our new zoom film is available now

This past year and a bit has been a blow to everyone, so it’s been amazing to be able to get some mates together and make something.', 'You can see our new film ‘How Was Your Week?’ written by myself and the brilliant cast here. A captioned version can be found here.', 'Thank you to all involved, Tom Crawshaw, Yaz Al-Shaater and Haroun Al-Shaater for being brilliant producers and offering fantastic advice for a first time film maker. And to the incredible cast, Helen Grady, Paul Dodds, Prasanna Puwanarajah, Jodie McNee, Isabel Adomakoh Young, Daniel Millar. And mostly to Mariam Bell for being a perfect collaborator and lead actor. ', 'Hope you enjoy the film.',


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